Once finalised, in the spirit of Ken's own stickers, this will be uploaded for free download as a. I then added in the arrows and text where appropriate, keeping some of the labels which were appropriate, editing others and dropping those that couldn't be applied to another part of the Goggles. I sketched a new graphic out with the Ecto Goggle lenses and imported it into Illustrator where I scaled it, and created the new vector graphic. Using the vector version of the graphic that busybuldr had grabbed from Ken's PDF file for scale and the label template, I had a guide for the font, text layout, size of the arrows and the size of the graphic. This is the current rendition, pending any possible changes based on the feedback from here and Proptopia: It's a nice graphic, and thanks to the way it was shot, we never caught a close shot of the sticker, which would've revealed the diagram sported the original NVG lenses, as well as a reference to them being a 'NVG', rather than 'Ecto Goggles'.Īnd so I decided to give the lable a bit of a update, covering a new graphic and remodelled text. With University work out of the way and my free time now free to devote to props again, I decided to approach a idea I'd had concerning the side label of the Ecto Goggles.įor those not in the know, the Ecto Goggles in the first movie featured a sticker which was left over from when the Ecto Goggle frame was a part of the PVS-5 Night Vision Goggles, which detailed the parts of the Goggles and the operation process.